
[其他] 《中英對照讀新聞》想當英國的政治人物?首先,睡少一點!


《中英對照讀新聞》Would like to be politicians in Britain?First,sleep less! 想當英國的政治人物?首先,睡少一點!

It might be their troubled consiences, or perhaps just the anti-social hours of their job, but politicians are among the most sleep-deprived people in Britain, a study showed.


Members of parliament catch on average only five hours of shut-eye per night, a level that might well affect their ability to make rational decisions, the survey by the Sleep Council found.


In contrast, lawyers appear to have very little bothering their minds, clocking up nearly eight hours a night on a regular basis, with one in five managing 10 hours of snoozing.


They were closely followed by architects and --perhaps more surprisingly -- mothers with young children, who managed more than seven hours per night.

緊跟在他們之後的是建築師,以及 或許更出人意料 稚齡兒童的母親,他們每晚能睡超過七小時。


on an (the) average: 平均而言。

例句:I spend 2,000 dollars per month on average.(我每月平均花費兩千美元)。

above average 則為一般水準之上,below average 是一般水準之下。

on call: 隨叫隨到,引伸為隨時待命的意思。

contrast: 可作為動詞與名詞,皆為對照、比照之意。

例句:This seems too big in contrast to that.(與那個對照之下,這個顯然太大)。

on a regular basis: 通常、經常;on a daily basis 是指每天,on a weekly basis是指每週。

