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[其他] [转帖] 不投国阵的50个理由



我同意你。国阵已经不是好的临到珍副。我们华人在马来西亚生活已劲很辛苦,马来政府又不断 的帮族马来人资富。我们华人应有的都一一的被压族了。很多时后说我们华人很有money,but the really  have a lot of money is malay.they are the really rich now.i am working in london,i am going back to malaysia very often.but every time when i going back to malaysia,the malay now is improve a lot.they know how to doing a business,the kampong people came to the city kl doing a business a lot.and they have a lot of benifit,loan without any problems.just walk in said to the bank staff i need a islam bank loan,the staff will ask the malay manager come out to meet them.the next day money is ready for them.(what a bullshit country).if you are chinese walk in to the bank said you need a loan,the staff will ask you to a lot of statement to proff to the bank,even if you can show them all the thing,but u are not 100%can get the loan.oh ya  the one thing is forgot to tell u that malay apply the loan is TIDAK PERLU DI BAYAR BALIK KEPADA   ----BANK----
this is what is see the malaysia is,but ofcouse that is a lot of thing u and i know that i am not write it down here.so  the vote is coming 2 years later.i am hopefuly if u r feel that waht iam said is right,please dont vote for BARISAN NATIONAL(BN).we need a new Gorvement to changed for our next genaration.....thanks
true love never running smooths


个人觉得DAP做的很好啊。。。 其他州不知道, 但是槟城真的比跟BN时候比, 真的稳定多了。。。 只是中央一直为难他们。。。不给与充足的资金发展。。。 至少我看到槟城开始往很多马来西亚第一个XXX 发展 比如 eco-state , first state wif full wireless


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我同意 AKSHON 的說法

我看親眼過 原住名 在街邊賣菜被抓...真的很可憐, 拉著孩子哭哭啼啼..看了都心酸...,,而隔壁的馬來人攤位安然無事, 真是諷刺.......

[ 本帖最後由 aliex320 於 2009-12-27 17:58 編輯 ]


回復 23# jeffreychiang 的帖子

I'm in foreign country too....not becouse of my rich family , it iforced that nothing can do in malaysia .... many chinese family work so hard to allow their child go to foreign country to study or works....their parent sell the farm`' loan much money from the bank...but at last more of the parent tell them "please don't come back, coz in other country can get more opportunity than your hometown even in KL"   .......sadly  malays can study in goverment univercities in DDDDDD one c and after school  most go to goverment department work. is't  f_ck up......    (hei....gov~  we love our country Mas..  please don't  abandoned us)


最主要还是华人政党。。。甘做汉奸。。。认贼作父。。。怨的了谁! 不咬你咬谁啊!


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