
[其他] 《中英對照讀新聞》Spouse Most Likely Source of Elder Abuse

《中英對照讀新聞》Spouse Most Likely Source of Elder Abuse

中英對照讀新聞》Spouse Most Likely Source of Elder Abuse 配偶為老人受虐最可能的施暴者

Elderly people may be at increased risk of abuse if they're cared for by a spouse, especially if the spouse is coping with his or her own physical or mental health problems, according to a new study.


"Caregiving is stressful, and it breaks down the people that are providing the care -- they wear down," Scott Beach, the study lead author and director of research at University of Pittsburgh's Center for Social and Urban Research, said in a prepared statement.

「看護工作充滿壓力,讓負責照顧的人情緒失控 - 他們心力耗盡。」史考特.畢區,這份研究的主要作者兼匹茲堡大學社會暨都市研究中心研究主任,在預先準備的聲明中表示。

Elderly people being looked after by a spouse were more likely to report that their caregivers screamed or yelled at them, insulted them, used a harsh tone of voice, swore at them, or called them names. Some cases of harsh spousal treatment may be a continuation of previous ongoing marital conflict, Beach noted.



at risk:有…的危險。例句:The disease is spreading , and all young children are at risk. (這種疾病正在蔓延,所有幼齡兒童都瀕臨感染危險。)

cope with:應付、對付。例句:The factory coped very well with the sudden increase in demand. (這家工廠對突如其來的需求增加處理得非常好。)

break down:情感失控。例句:He broke down and wept when his mother died. (母親去世時,他崩潰痛哭。)

wear down:磨耗、削弱。例句:Months of illness wore her down. (病了幾個月,削弱了她的體力。)

swear at:用粗話咒罵。例句:He swore at the dog when he tripped over it. (他被狗絆了一跤,就用粗話罵狗。)

