
[期刊/新聞] 讀孫子兵法學英文 - 否極泰來

讀孫子兵法學英文 - 否極泰來

讀孫子兵法學英文 - 否極泰來

2009.09.04 03:34 am


農夫返家,老婆問他買到票否,答曰:「管它的,反正我看到大象了」(I don't give a hang, for I have seen the elephant.)。

終極體驗 吃盡苦頭仍然值得

20世紀初,西進淘金儼然是全民運動。淘金者盤纏用盡,信心全失者,就會大叫一聲:I have seen the elephant.(我看到大象了),然後宣告失敗。因為路上阻隔淘金夢的壯麗大山,猶如馬戲團的大象,叫人必須認清事實。

「看到大象」當然是人生難得的際遇("a life changing event" or "a life altering event"),沒有絕大意志,就難以成功。例:"He thought he wanted to drop out and live off the grid, but one winter was all it took for him: he saw the elephant."(他原本想擺脫一切世俗,但一個冬天就讓他吃盡苦頭,只好打消此意。)

不過,這個俗語,時至今日,已不再那麼負面,端看使用者的意念。譬如逛博物館,說"We have seen the elephant, and now we can go home."(這裡該看的都看了的,我們走吧。)這話等於看過鎮館之寶清翠玉白菜,故宮就可以不必再看了。

因此踢到鐵板,失志者一蹶不振,認為跌到谷底(hit rock bottom)──就像掘水井卻挖到岩層,已經沒有機會;但振作者認為跌到谷底,從此只會變好(the only way to go is up),不會再壞。就像黎明前的黑暗(it's always darkest right before the dawn),加把勁,就大有可為。

例:"The department has reached rock bottom, with employees being fired and supervisors facing criminal charges."「員工被炒魷魚,經營階層被控舞弊,這家公司狀況已經壞到不能再壞。」

轉個心念 鐵板也能變成跳板

"I am at the bottom, it can't get any worse so it must get better. I know that the only way to go is up."「已經跌到谷底,還能壞到哪裡?所以從現在起,情況只會好轉。」

心念一改,鐵板也會變成跳板。當年湘軍大戰太平軍,曾國藩上書清廷「屢戰屢敗」(I have fought many battles and been defeated in them all),幕僚醒目,輕輕提醒,變動成「屢敗屢戰」(though I have been defeated, I keep fighting),意象完全不同,振奮人心,效果不在話下。

文字順序改變,造成意義完全相反,現成類似的成語就是 "he snatched victory from the jaws of defeat"(反敗為勝)和邱吉爾將它稍微改變,用以斥責某將領把贏定的戰役打到輸:"he snatched defeat from the jaws of victory"(反勝為敗)。


例:"Though he finished third, he snatched victory from the jaws of defeat to characterize himself as a highly competent driver."「他雖然只贏得第三名,但他反敗為勝的成績,證明自己的實力猶在。」

"Most of us had thought the deal passed after an endorsement vote from our client, but boss snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and stunned us all."「我們都以為這個案子過關了,沒想到老闆作法自斃把它玩掛,大家為之目瞪口呆。」

(作者Email:[email protected];部落格:www.cathaybinfa.com.tw

【2009/09/04 經濟日報】@ http://udn.com/

source: http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN11/5116205.shtml

