
扁腦部病情加重 初三在病房跌倒

回復 1# keanu 的帖子

Why can people just give this poor guy a break man...

He used to be the president of this country, that should be counted for something

Why do we listen to other people saying he did this and that, so he deserve this kind of treatment.  

At the end of the days he is just another human like us, so please give this guy a break man
From   B161391000 :Please use the traditional Chinese to come the receipt…Thanks
[ 本帖最後由 B161391000 於 2013-2-17 13:08 編輯 ]


回復 2# g13420 的帖子

Sorry, I onlyknow how to read traditional chinese.

I wish that Ican type chinese, but I don't know how


Can we all just leave this poor guy alone & give him a break...

He used to be the president of TW, at least it should be counted for something...

