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標題: [期刊/新聞] 透過城市辭典破解語言謎團 [打印本頁]

作者: 姿霖    時間: 2009-12-30 04:52     標題: 透過城市辭典破解語言謎團


【Lily章/世界公民文化中心編輯部】 2009/03/21 工商時報

Urban Dictionary


英語常常會讓native speaker和non-native speaker同樣感到困惑。老是聽到學生們抱怨說:學到的單詞越多,遇到的生詞也就越多。


但這並不意味著你無法找到破解這些語言謎團的線索。在網路的幫助下,只要下點功夫,你就能夠成為名副其實的英語福爾摩斯。找尋最新的街頭說法或俚語,最大的網上參考資料庫是Urban Dictionary []。這辭典不但有用,而且有趣。

創造新字新詞的多半是年輕人,Urban Dictionary直接從青少年那兒瞭解這些說法,使我們更加容易理解當今美國人習慣的說話方式,讓我們的英語更加正宗。

但要記住無論查哪一種辭典,都不要忘記,就像好的推理小說作者會在故事中加入一些red herring(“紅鯡魚”,指混淆視聽的線索),英語中也有多重意思的單詞來作弄你。比如,有位美國少年當著你的面把你最喜歡的T恤衫說成sick(有病、噁心),你可能會感到侮辱。然而在俚語中,sick有可能是一個熱情的讚美詞。

幾個很容易搞混的字詞,在Urban dictionary裡的解釋和用法:

1. bank holiday

Bank holiday是國定假日,不是「銀行假期」,這是英國人用來形容連續假期。連銀行都休假了,這些懶骨頭上班族何必上班,難怪大英帝國逐漸式微。

Noun to describe a series of vacation days in the old country. The banks are on holiday... so why should the rest ofthe lazy slobs go to work? Is it any wonder that the empire was lost.

●The offices will be closed for the Bank holiday (and wewill probably go out of business but who cares).

●On the bank holidays, we go to Blackpool for a grand old time on the sands.

●“It is hard to tell if the poor efficiency is due to incompetence or the volume of bank holidays”.

2. Zombie Company


●A technically bankrupt company that is kept alive withlarge infusions of government money for the sake of“stability”in the U.S. financial system.

●A large financial company with negative net worth thatcontinues to operate, despite having no clear path to solvency.

●“AIG is the premier example of a zombie company -- kept alive only by $120 billion in federal bailout money. Apparently, it,s considered too large to fail.”

3. bad economy


An all-purpose excuse that people use during a recessionto justify doing things that are below their usual standard. Often these things in reality have little or nothing to do with the economic circumstances.

Senator:“Mr. Paulson, you really want to give the greedy, soulless bankers who caused this mess $700 billion with no strings attached?”

Henry Paulson:“Hey guys, bad economy. Just do it.”

Senator:“Good point. I vote yes.”

4. Fourth Estate

不是第四筆地產,是指記者或新聞界。estate有地產、遺產、地位的意思。歐洲傳統上認為社會由貴族、教會、平民三大基層構成。近代新聞媒體自成一個勢力,則是傳統三大階層以外的第四階層,稱為fourth estate,有人把它譯為第四權。

●The term Fourth Estate refers to the press, both in itsexplicit capacity of advocacy and in its implicit abilityto frame political issues. The term goes back at least to Thomas Carlyle in the first half of the 19th century.

●None of our political writers... takes notice of any more than three estates, namely, Kings, Lords, and Commons...passing by in silence that very large and powerful body which form the fourth estate in this community...

5. moonshine


Moonshine is illegally distilled homemade whisky, usuallywith a very high alcohol content. It got its name becauseit was normally distilled at night“by the light of the moon.”Most moonshine is distilled in West Virginia, Kentuckyand Virginia.

The only reason that moonshine is illegal is because there anyone who distills spirits in the U.S. has to pay a federal tax. Moonshiners don,t pay the tax. Local police usually ignore moonshiners because“they ain,t hurting anyone.”

6. mug shot

不是被馬克杯擊中,是指拍照存檔。mug為馬克杯。18世紀初英國流行怪異面孔裝飾造型的馬克杯,因此mug遂有“面孔”的意思。歹徒被捕後到警察局 get a mug shot,就是拍照存檔。

●A picture of a person,s face, especially those in police files.

●There is a mug shot of the escaped convict in the newspaper.

Window1001: Atlas Shrugged


很奇怪,《Atlas Shrugged》這本書在美國紅得不得了,受歡迎程度僅次於「聖經」,是美國政治家、企業主必讀經典,還有人讀了這部大作之後,發誓從此不再讀其他的書,台灣不但沒有出版譯本,知道的人也很少,簡體版譯成《亞特拉斯聳聳肩》。不久前華爾街日報的資深評論員Stephen Moore,寫了一篇文章叫“Atlas Shrugged:From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years”,他說“假若要求每一個國會成員和歐巴馬政府官員都讀一讀《亞特拉斯聳聳肩》(也有人譯成《地球顫慄》),相信我們會更快擺脫當前的經濟危機。”什麼書這麼神奇?就算沒有時間讀一千頁的版本,7分鐘影音版的Executive summary,你一定要看。請上

以下節譯自Stephen Moore華爾街日報文章

幾年前,當我在卡托學院工作的時候(卡托學院是位於美國華盛頓哥倫比亞特區的自由意志主義智庫),我們把沒有讀過《亞特拉斯聳聳肩》的人稱為“處女”。這部經典著作主要描寫政府不當作為而導致經濟大蕭條。假若要求每一個國會成員和歐巴馬政府官員都讀一讀《亞特拉斯聳聳肩》,那麼,相信我們會更快擺脫當前的經濟危機。(If only“Atlas” were required reading for every memberof Congress and political appointee in the Obama administration. I,m confident that we,d get out of the current financial mess a lot faster.)

這本超過1000頁的小說,作者是俄裔的安蘭德(Ayn Rand),1957年首版時便一炮而紅,1991年一項在國會圖書館和每月讀者俱樂部的調查中顯示,《亞特拉斯聳聳肩》是美國僅次於《聖經》的第二影響力著作。(A survey by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club found that readers rated“Atlas”as thesecond-most influential book in their lives, behind only the Bible.)


《亞特拉斯聳聳肩》的結尾處有一個值得關注的部分,在華盛頓的經濟學家莫名其妙地把全國經濟搞垮,絕望之際,政客們找到了英雄商人約翰·高爾特(John Galt)(一個對抗資本主義制度的人)乞求他幫助他們把經濟拉回正軌。

Galt:“You want me to be Economic Dictator?”


Galt:“And you,ll obey any order I give?”


Galt:“Then start by abolishing all income taxes.”

“Oh no!” screamed Mr. Thompson, leaping to his feet.“We couldn,t do that... How would we pay government employees?”

Galt:“Fire your government employees.”

“Oh, no!”





跟團旅行,特別是有領隊,包含一切行程費用的旅行,叫escorted tours。

“Escorted tours are structured group tours, with a groupleader. The price usually includes everything from airfareto hotels, meals, tours, admission costs, and local transportation.”(紐約時報/旅行版)

還有一種叫做套裝旅遊行程,有一點像中文的「自由行」,叫 package tour。

Package tours are simply a way to buy the airfare, accommodations, and other elements of your trip (such as car rentals, airport transfers, and sometimes even activities) at the same time and often at discounted prices.(紐約時報/旅行版)

Package的意思是把一切都像打包似的包在一起,包含門票、機票、旅館費用等。商業交易有一大堆的條件,也可用package,叫做package deal,只有當包括的所有條件都接受後買賣才能繼續下去。同理,要是制定出一大堆措施,就叫做 a package of measures,走在國外的大街上,猛一抬頭看到一個招牌,上書 Package Store,千萬不要以為一個什麼東西都賣的雜貨鋪。只要你進去就會發現,它是一家酒的專賣店。

幾個朋友或家人一道去旅行,自己安排的行程,叫做independenttours或self-guided tours.



1. Here is a so big stone that no one can lift it.

2. What beautiful the flower is!

3. This job will be never finished.

4. My brother is very taller than I.

5. I think I,ll meet her at 7:00 at the restaurant.

6. This room is enough large for you.

7. I cannot do it too.

8. I,m going to downstairs.

9. Your story is the most interesting.

10. I met him two years before.


1. Here is so big a stone that no one can lift it.(so是


2. How beautiful the flower is!(how用來修飾副詞或形容詞


3. This job will never be finished.(頻率副詞在第一個助


4. My brother is much taller than I.(very不能修飾比較級


5. I think I,ll meet her at the restaurant at 7:00.(地


6. This room is large enough for you.(enough作副詞,在


7. I cannot do it either.(either用於否定句;too用於肯定


8. I,m going downstairs.(downstairs是副詞,前面不加介詞


9. Your story is most interesting.(most不用於比較,而用


10. I met him two years ago.


作者: lyc76331    時間: 2010-4-20 11:14

:) 非常有趣的網站,我喜歡 謝謝你的分享
作者: d9405401    時間: 2013-11-30 23:43


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