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標題: [期刊/新聞] 讀孫子兵法學英文 - 理出頭緒 [打印本頁]

作者: 姿霖    時間: 2009-12-30 03:31     標題: 讀孫子兵法學英文 - 理出頭緒

孫子謀攻篇:「小敵之堅,大敵之擒也。」按傳統,本句多譯成「力量小的一方抵死頑抗,終究會被強大的對手所虜。」(An obstinate fight may be made by a small force, in the end it must be captured by the larger force.),亦即不要逞強做無謂犧牲。

不過,近來有學者認為其意應為:「小部隊如果力量集中,及時出擊,也能打敗頑強的敵人。」(A small force, when concentrated, can become formidable and has the capability to capture the larger force.)。如果小的永遠輸,聖經故事大衛打敗巨人哥利亞就無從發生了。


實力有軟有硬,貴在自知,和用對地方。同理,英文"a big fish in a little pond"可以做「夜郎自大」解,不過,做「有自知之明,寧願位居二線以求有所表現」解釋也無不可。兩種解釋正好相反,所以辨明真意,的確要多費心思。

例:"You might be a big fish in a little pond now, but when you go to college it'll be the other way around"「你現在自認高人一等,等上了大學你就知道天外有天。」

"I never want to be a big fish in the ocean; I think it is better to be a big fish in a little pond."「與其闖蕩江湖爭霸武林,我覺得顧好自己一片天也不錯。」


再舉一個例子:做事俐落,正面說遊刃有餘,負面說上下其手,類似英文的"the Midas touch"或"everything he touched turns to gold"(金手指),此句原指某國王貪財,神賜他金手指,觸碰之處都變成金子,卻連鍾愛的女兒也不例外。但這個典故也可以用在撥亂反正,化險為夷的能力。


可見有了點石成金的手腕,還要具備洞察世事的慧眼,才能在一片混亂之中理出頭緒(see the light),在倉促中找到最適時地出手,贏取勝利。

例:"John has the Midas touch and is able to make good things happen even in the worst of circumstances."「老江身手不凡,總能化腐朽為神奇。」


"Janet had fooled the boss for a long time, but when she fouled up the big deal the boss could suddenly see the light."「阿珍欺瞞老闆不只一天,不過,這個紕漏扯得太大,老闆終於知道全部真相。」

無論以大吃小,或以小克大,都以實力作後盾,並在理出頭緒後,把握主動,在關鍵點巧妙出手。這和自願留在小池塘做大魚的心態一樣:聰明的人不高估自己(an inflated sense of self worth),但也不錯估自己(is not deluding himself)的實力,所以會實事求是,找對自己的戰場,因為這樣最能發揮實力。


例:"He has an inflated sense of self worth. I would like to buy him for what he is worth and sell him for what he thinks he's worth."「他喜歡自抬身價,如果我能按實際價格買下他,再用他自己以為是的身價賣掉,那我就發財了。」

"He is not deluding himself by choosing to believe what he wants to. Instead, he accepts only the facts."「他決不自欺欺人,他只接受事實。」


作者: yy_yy    時間: 2009-12-30 14:53

good stuff~
learned a lot
作者: d9405401    時間: 2013-12-1 00:07

作者: bar688    時間: 2014-6-17 11:12


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