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標題: [期刊/新聞] 讀孫子兵法學英文 - 牛轉乾坤 [打印本頁]

作者: 姿霖    時間: 2009-12-30 03:10     標題: 讀孫子兵法學英文 - 牛轉乾坤

讀孫子兵法學英文 - 牛轉乾坤 Take the bull by the horns


徒有傻勁 成不了大事

英文說:天使躊躇不前之地,傻子想也不想,就一頭栽入(fools rush in where angels fear to tread),中文等於「初生之犢不畏虎」。

做事有傻勁不是壞事,但要進入狀況(ignorance is not bliss),一味相信不知者不必負責(What you don't know cannot hurt you.)卻是牛脾氣的一種。

牛有苦幹、遲頓形象。政客以憨牛自許,像美式足球裡的"mule"(騾子),這是取其憨厚優點。但英文裡" Bull in a china shop"(瓷器店裡的牛)肯定要壞事。

牛的體積大,我們用「吹牛」來形容誇大其辭(brag, boast),「黃牛」指答應別人的事做不到(fail to make it),或則失約(fail to show up)。英文「牛屎」(bullshit)等於廢話。"cock-and-bull story"(公雞和牛的故事)是荒誕無稽,騙死人不要錢的說詞。

自吹自擂 (speaks only to hear their own voice) 指光自己講,別人說的一律充耳不聞。這樣的對話,有可能「牛頭不對馬嘴」。一意孤行,可能產生" snowball effect",意即為了圓謊,只好說更多的謊話,這些場景,在救災現場,最難讓災民接受。

台灣話「牛,牽到北京還是牛」(Even if you take a cow to the fanciest city, it is still a cow.)等同於英文的"you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink",都指在處理危機時麻木不仁,牛皮燈籠,不點不亮。


首先,目標選定上必須量力而為,費盡九牛二虎之力,也不能討好的事(don't bite off more than you can chew),就不要輕易去做。

例:"Don't bite off more than you can chew: it's Management 101. It applies to running the country or a small business."「從管理國家大事到經營小企業,都必須量力而為,這是管理的第一步。」

牛皮燈籠 不點就不亮

其次,做事心態上要積極進取,勇敢面對,不能逃避,像抓住牛角與牛格鬥(To take the bull by the horns)。

例:"During the crisis, a leader has to confront the problem head-on and deal with it openly. He needs to take the bull by the horns and gets the job done."「危機乍起,領導人要勇於面對,設法把事情做好。」

再其次,在資源分配上,要輕重緩急分明(hit the bull's-eye),正中靶心;最後,在執行過程中,要全神貫注,殺雞也不妨用牛刀(trying to kick a horse and make it move),全力以赴,克奏膚功。這樣,才能像善解牛的庖丁,目無全牛(knows a task "like the back of their hand"),安然度過危機。

例:"The president's speech on rescuing the victims did not hit the bull's-eye."「總統關於拯救災民的談話,沒有切中要害。」

"An experienced leader knows the situations like the back of his hand. He is supposed to know the best and worst of his business."「有經驗的領袖,對事情的來龍去脈,可能發展,無不瞭若指掌。」


【2009/09/10 經濟日報】@


[ 本帖最後由 姿霖 於 2009-12-30 03:20 編輯 ]
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